Five Things I Learned from the Virtual Market 2.0 Fairly Traded Marketplace

Five Things I Learned from the Virtual Market 2.0

I get the pleasure of interviewing several vendors throughout the Virtual Market week and learning more about what they do. I always see trends and hear similar themes so I’ve decided to bring those together here with the Five Things I Learned from the Virtual Market 2.0. 

April 26, 2021
What I Learned from the Virtual Market Fairly Traded Marketplace

What I Learned from the Virtual Market

Hello everyone, Hope you’ve been enjoying the summer! Things are different this year but it’s been so nice to spend some time outside while we can. Thank you to all of you who supported the virtual market. It was so much fun and I was overwhelmed by the amount of comments, messages, shares etc. that we got.

July 11, 2020